2014-09-01 Photos

Photos of Stage 12

Bengkulu to Manna – Sumatra

OMG in Manna

Today I was stopped by two girls who followed me on their motor scooter for quite a while. When they passed me the first time, they gave me a bright smile and a ‘Hello Mister’ and headed away, to soon slow down and let me pass again. I could hear them giggle. Next thing I noticed them approaching me again from the back, staying behind for a while, before they passed and slowed down again. This repeated several times, until they finally stopped behind the next corner and waited for me, waving me to stop, too, which I did.

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Then I heard ‘Oh my God’, ‘Oh my God’ and ‘Photo’. Several OMGs later, the smiling faces were ‘iPhoned’ for a happy girl and a happier ‘Alter Sack’.

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Oh my God!

Stage 12: Sumatra

Bengkulu to  Manna
Date: 01-09-2014 Time: 05:47 h Σ Time: 70:58 h
Distance: 140 km Σ km: 1511 km Temp: 20/39 °C
Up: 1082 m Σ Up: 14665 m Calories: 3056 kcal
Down: 1052 m Σ Down: 14567 m Σ kcal: 34374 kcal
Conditions: A fast marathon warm-up in the morning. The 42 km flat out of town would have been a treat, if the air wouldn’t be so polluted from the early morning commute.

It was easy rolling on the first 40 km. Thereafter it became more rural, hilly and the road sometimes a bit broken. The landscape did not change much until we turned back to the coast. Rice fields and palm trees build the scene. Lunch at a police station with a school next to it. This guaranteed spectators and entertainment. After lunch temperatures increased to reach upper 30th.

Today I was stopped by two girls on a motor scooter. They followed me quite a while, then passed, fall back again, passed until finally stopped next to the road and signaled me to stop, too – which I did. The first word of the girl was ‘OMG, I want a photo with you’. So I had a road side photo session and many more “OMG’s” …




Giving up my temporary home at the Splash Hotel in Bengkulu – a very spacious bed, neutral sheets and a real shower head instead of a bucket and cup.


My life is back in my 2 bags, ready to load on the vans.


6 more riding days in Sumatra before we set over to Java, the second island of the tour, and the begin of section 2.

Let us get rolling …


Enough rehydration? One and a half day and a few bottles later my body feels so spongy …


Ready for some real sweating on the next days hot miles.